Wednesday, May 5, 2010


My first race of the season is this Saturday and this is the shit I have to look forward to:
Screen shot 2010-05-05 at 7.54.12 PM.png

Not to mention this race is in FL where, lo and behold, the Gulf of Mexico has more oil in it than water.*

I'm trying to remain hopeful and optimistic but cannot help in noticing the cards are stacked against the day: thunder storms usually mean calling off a race altogether. Not having the swim - the one part I was actually looking forward to - will be annoying if that's how it plays out.

So far the only thing I'm really looking forward to is spending a few days with my mom, dad, brother and girlfriend. My sister isn't going be able to make it. I didn't extend her a formal invitation because it was my feeling with as much as has been going on in her life it would be best if this financial burden wasn't added to her plate. I'd love to have her there but want to be conscious of her fiscal well being.

*Don't get me wrong. What's happening in the Gulf is a traumatic experience and my problems would be the most brilliant of dreams for any of those people down there. My heart goes out to all of the fishermen and locals being impacted by the oil spill. It's nothing short of the utmost tragedy to an area that's already seen more than its fair share of disaster. But I also want you to know I'm not at all pleased with the way things are going for this race either.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Gooooooo Jim! Hope the bike made it safely and the weather and water cooperate. Have a great race to kick of the 2010 Tri season!